Sanitary survey of hot spring bathing spots in Changping district, Beijing 北京市昌平区温泉水域场所卫生现况调查分析
Review on Site Selection of Waste Sanitary Landfill and Survey& Design Technology 垃圾卫生填埋场选址与勘察设计技术综述
In order to know the sanitary quality of disposable sanitary products produced, sold and used in Beijing, field sampling and laboratory examination method were used to carry out a survey. 为了解一次性使用卫生用品的安全性,对鲁中地区企业生产的一次性使用卫生用品抽样进行了皮肤刺激试验、阴道黏膜刺激试验和皮肤变态反应试验。
A Sanitary Survey on the Downtown Streams and Lakes of Beijing and Tianjin 京津市区部分河流及湖泊水质的卫生细菌学调查
A sanitary survey of pneumoconiosis pathogenic factor in enamel work 搪瓷喷花工尘肺致病因素的卫生学调查
A sanitary survey on shops making and selling drink 34家现场制作饮料店卫生状况调查
A sanitary survey of foods on countryside bazaar 乡村集贸市场食品商贩卫生现状调查
A sanitary survey on the downtown streams and lakes of Beijing and Tianjin was made. 以粪大肠菌做指标,对京津市区内部分河流及湖泊水质的卫生细菌学状况进行了调查。